viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

Sunday Mass Reflection. Dare to listen, dare to speak

In the Gospel today, the man´s infirmity was a double one. Not onlycould he not hear, but he had a speech impediment. He could not speak clearly. It is not surprising to find the two problems in one person. If his hearing had been impaired from an early age, it seems almost unavoidable that his speech would also be impared because he would be unable to listen to those speaking around him and imitate the complexities of their speech.

Jesus sets him free from both these burdens. He hears clearly, and even more remarkably, he is inmediately able to speak clearly. The people around him are astounded, astounded beyond measure by what has happened.

Can you imagine not being able to speak with your normal, conversational voice? The man in our Scripture lesson had even worse. He could neither hear nor speak. Can you imagine living like that? But Jesus put his fingers in the man´s ears and "spat and touched his tongue". Then he said "Ephphatha"- that is, "Be opened"- and suddenly the deaf and mute man experienced the greatest breakthrough of his life. He could both hear and speak. Can you imagine what a life-changing experience that would have been for him!!
Jesus still changes people´s lives. Sometimes he heals them of disease. Sometimes he makes it possible for them to quit drinking or taking drugs. Sometimes he helps them refocus their lives so that they can move in a new and better way. Sometimes he helps tham to deal with their infirmities in new and positive directions.

What is the healing that you need for Jesus to bring to your life? What breakthrough do you need in your life today?

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